JJ (Jen Judd) is a passionate advocate for plant-based living and a certified plant-based ambassador.
Her journey began in 2019 after watching the documentary Raw, inspiring her to adopt a raw vegan diet.
This transformation helped her lose 50 pounds, reverse seasonal allergies, and eliminate chronic back pain. JJ shares her message through her platform, Veganowledge JJ, hosting her YouTube show, Amazing Plantz4mationz.
She offers meal plans, tips, and interviews plant-based experts and amazing stories to inspire others. Combining her psychology degree with her nutrition journey, JJ runs the Amazing Plantz4merz VIP Club, providing coaching and workshops to help people transition to a plant-based lifestyle and reach their health goals.
Her mission is to empower others with the knowledge and tools to adopt plant-based living, improving health, and animal welfare. She is working on a book and new website coming soon! Join her free Amazing Plantz4merz VIP Club email list!
#vegan #veganowledge #govegan #jenjudd